Noteworthy - 2-October
Post date: Oct 05, 2011 1:13:54 PM
Since we are not rehearsing on Tuesday, 4-Oct, all Chesterton students are invited to attend rehearsal on Thursday in Michigan City at Trinity Episcopal Church. Beginning Band meets from 4:00-5:15 and Intermediate Band meets from 5:30-6:45. This is not required but it is an opportunity to play with the Michigan City half of the band program for one rehearsal. Please let me know if you will be attending that rehearsal.
The following is information about Trinity:
Students will use a door coming off of Franklin St. (for those who have been there before this is a different entrance from the one used in the past). You do not use the double red doors but instead go down a long sidewalk, up a few stairs to a roofed area. Once under the roof you turn left and go in the doors there. Once in the door students need to go TO THE RIGHT - GOING TO THE LEFT ONCE INSIDE THE BUILDING WILL PUT YOU IN AN AREA OF THE CHURCH THAT HAS AN ALARM SYSTEM. There will be signs inside and outside the building showing everyone where to go. The address is 600 Franklin Square Michigan City, IN 46360.
Two other items:
October tuition is now due, if you have already taken care of this -Thanks!
We are entering the final week of our candy sale - candy and fundraiser fees are due on October 11th. There is a $100 prize for the student who sells the most candy - please let me know if you need any more totes.