DAC Philosophy


It is the goal of the DAC band program to represent itself through excellence in performance and respect for ourselves and others.  This excellence can only be attained through discipline, teamwork, dedication, and pride.  Respect and courtesy for others shows in our ability to work together and our encouragement of each other in our progress. Each student learns to respect hard work and dedication through their own musical journey and that of their fellow musicians.  Our success as a group and as individuals is based on our willingness and determination to work to the best of our ability.  Also important to our program is for students to develop a sense of responsibility to themselves and their fellow band members.  This responsibility is not only concerned with music – it represents itself in a feeling of obligation, loyalty and whole-hearted participation in the band.  


The Director of Bands for the Duneland Area Community Band Program is Karen M Rainey. She is a graduate of Chesterton High School and has a Bachelor of Music Education from Butler University in Indianapolis. In a career spanning both public and parochial schools she brings over twenty five years of instrumental music experience to the DAC program.  In 2011 she created the DAC Band Program to offer students in the Duneland Community Area the opportunity of learning about the world of music through participating in a concert band.